When is the best time to get GuardHouse Management involved in our project?
Simply put, NOW!
Whether you are just thinking of a project idea, or you are far into the ongoing construction process, GuardHouse will cater services to help you through any steps that you need to see your project succeed.
How is GuardHouse Management Group different from its competitors?
At GuardHouse, we place a strong emphasis on a team mentality, working with all other members and groups involved to work together toward an end goal. This mindset has led to a wide range of success, and created lasting relationships that we can utilize for any project needs.
Is GuardHouse a General Contractor?
We are not. GuardHouse is a Construction Management and Consulting firm focused on providing clients with our construction knowledge and experience, in order to assist them in navigating the construction world. We work with and typically manage General Contractors who hold the contract to complete the work, and act as a liason between owner and GC to protect the Owner's best interests.